Therapies offered:


Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching

Using a naturopathic and functional model of nutritional therapy, the aim is to look at all aspects of nutrition from what someone eats, to how well they are digesting and absorbing that, through to the uptake from the cells and how well they assimilate what they eat. How well we do this relies on many aspects, such as: stress levels, illness, disease, environmental pollutants, genetic factors and generally how our cells are performing. We might use functional tests to gain insight in to how well the body is performing and ultimately find a tailored approach to suit each client.

Live & Dry Blood Microscopy

Live blood analysis is used to look at how well the blood cells and immune system are performing, at a cellular level. Using this technique, we can establish a snapshot of nutritional deficiencies, pathogenic load, pH environment and generally the stressors currently exposed to the cells and how well they are coping with that load.

Dry blood analysis is similar to iridology, using the blood and how it dries. We break these samples into zones and look at how the systems within the body are managing i.e. digestive, endocrine, immune, respiratory, detoxification etc.

Using these two tests allows us to gather more information and alongside the medical history, determine a better action plan to reach health goals.

Energy Psychology

Energy psychology is a term used to encompass various different therapies, which aim to address the mind body connection, alleviating emotional stressors from subconscious patterns we learn as a child, trauma, intergenerational issues or coping strategies that no longer work for us.

I use a variety of modalities from tapping techniques such as, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) & Thought Field Therapy (TFT). Generational and ancestral healing using Genograms to map out the family tree and release energetic issues/patterns passed through the generations.


Energy Medicine

The therapies I use here are Reiki and Seichem. Both are ancient Eastern forms of healing. We are all energetic beings, whether we realise it or not. We are all connected via energy and this is how we sense someone we love is in trouble, or we pick up the phone thinking of someone and they call at the same time, this connection is called quantum entanglement.

Just like a magnetic force can be strong and unseen, energy work is gentle yet powerful. It can be performed from anywhere in the world and sent to anyone who gives permission to receive it. Just like our thoughts and lives, our electromagnetic field can become disordered, frantic or become effected by toxic people, EMF’s such as mobile phones, cellular masts etc.

Energy healing can help to balance inflammation and support those in pain, release emotional or energetic blockages and the great thing is, it is so gentle it can be used on pets & babies, all the way through to the elderly.

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Cranial Sacral Therapy is a form of bodywork, it can be used to correct imbalances in the body using it’s innate abilities to restore harmony.

Our brain is intricately connected to all parts of our body and uses a rhythm to communicate via cerebral spinal fluid and energy. Very similar to an orchestra (body) and a conductor (brain), if the rhythm is lost for whatever reason, the orchestra will not perform as well. Likewise, when our body loses its regular rhythm, this can go on to cause imbalances and eventually health issues.

Cranial sacral therapy is useful and safe to use from babies to the elderly.

Kinesiology & Advanced Muscle Testing

Applied Kinesiology & Advanced Muscles testing is used to restore imbalances in chemical, emotional and physical areas the body may undergo. It does this using muscle techniques to tune into the autonomic nervous system and find out what causes the body stress or blockages and what strengthen or unblocks the body.

Using the various therapies I have, supplements and testing, we are able to fast track and understand triggers the body is facing and either remove these or become aware so we can support the body to help it clear the issue itself.

Manipulative Science

Manipulations either visceral (organs) or structural (bones) requires specific adjustments used to release the adhesions that may cause restrictions. Similar to how an osteopath or chiropractor works, using high or low velocity thrusts we can realign the body so these restrictions are released. Very useful for those with back pain, joint issues, headaches, migraines, sporting injuries, arthritis, vertigo or general aches and pains.

Remedial Massage

Remedial massage is a type of deep tissue massage used to release adhesions in muscles causing pain and restricted blood flow. It also combines Muscle Energy Techniques (MET’s) which can help to release structural imbalances, using controlled muscular contractions.

Remedial massage can be used for relaxation, relieving stress, improving circulation, muscle spasms, sporting injuries and also maintaining good quality muscle tone when exercising frequently to help reduce muscle pain after exercise and also build healthy muscle tone.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP is used to to reframe, educate and redesign how we choose to perceive things. It is due to our perception we feel a certain way. Some of us are very prone to negative thoughts/thinking and this technique helps us to step back, use a series of techniques to change our original perception to something that feels more supportive of our minds and body.

It can be used to help reduce pain symptoms by creating a different type of focus on the pain, gradually changing that perception. Or it can be used to help build a stronger mindset and give us techniques to use during stressful periods to encourage resilience.