About me
“Your health is your responsibility, each choice we make in our day leads to our future health! Take back your power, own your choices! Think well, choose well & feel well... find your intrinsic harmony!”
Who am I?
I adore spending time with my loved ones, being out in nature, I am a true adventurer, connecting with Mother Nature fills me with an intense energy and vitality. I am a total animal lover, always stopping to help animals in need wherever I am. Although I am deeply connected to nature & natural health, I have a huge passion for technology (including biohacking), photography, videography, wood work, cooking, bushcraft, playing instruments and so much more. I especially thrive whilst learning. I have had so many passions, each attribute to who I am and how I work or connect with people.
My Story
For as long as I can remember, I was always fascinated by the human body and fixing anything that was broken from mechanical to injured animals. Also had a deeply inquisitive mind, always asking ‘why’, often driving my teachers to despair.
As a teen, I began reading medical textbooks and journals. With any free time, I volunteered at a private London hospital, where I helped care for patients, observed surgeries and learned all I could about medicines and surgical procedures. Needless to say, I was in my element!
Though my early learning was in conventional medicine, as I grew older and continued my education further in Anatomy & Physiology, I decided to study Remedial Massage, where I met my first mentor, friend and teacher, Colin Parish. He helped me realise natural and holistic medicine was my gift to share with the world. I furthered my studies and qualifications in: Applied Kinesiology, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Reiki Masters, Seichem Masters, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Manipulative Science and Wrist & Ankle Acupuncture. In 2003, Colin passed and this hit me really hard. My health rapidly declined and I began experiencing extreme pain from previously diagnosed endometriosis and adenomyosis at age 16. With all the therapies I had learned and used, I had managed the pain for the most part. With various stressors and dealing with grief, by 2007 I became completely debilitated and bed ridden, giving up working with clients and spending the next 7 years working on my own health. I underwent 2 surgeries (a full hysterectomy except with one ovary left behind and one to repair some haemorrhaging, removal of a cyst and adhesion build up). After the hysterectomy, I was also left with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. By 2012, I had exhausted all I could think of, doctors kept telling me I would never be well and to accept I would always be in pain and bed ridden. I saw several complementary health practitioners, who found my case too complicated and also agreed there was nothing they could do. Mentally I was broken, I was beginning to lose hope. I spent many years in counselling dealing with, past trauma and then the loss of my health. I was determined to find a way to be well! I knew if no one else could help, I was going to be the person to get myself well. I came off my cocktail of various pain killers, anti depressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, frequent antibiotic use and all the meds I needed to deal with the side effects. At this time, I realised how the medication was stopping me thinking clearly. Finally, after I got these out of my system, I was gradually able to think and focus a little better, initially, just to talk myself through my pain, then gradually to think of where my starting point would be to start unravelling things.
My Mum got my family and I a Vitamix for Christmas and this was the beginning of changing my diet completely. Whilst ill, I could only really eat between 15:00-19:00, if I ate outside these hours, I could not keep food down. Sometimes, despite eating within these times, I was still sick and often just snacked on sugary foods. My weight went up rapidly, despite only really eating about 750 kcal daily.
The combination of counselling, physical treatments to help pain levels, change of diet, lifestyle shifts and my unshakable determination to be well, is what got me 80% well. To gain full health I fine-tuned my nutrition, supplements, used essential oils, did Psych-Kinesiology and Family constellation work. I also decided to study Nutritional Therapy at the College of Naturopathic Medicine, learn Live & Dry Blood Analysis and study under Dr. Klinghardt learning his specialised muscle testing techniques.
I can categorically say having lived and breathed chronic illness, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, extreme pain 24/7 and come out the other side, I have a unique insight in how the daily battles and challenges effect the sufferer and what may seem like excuses, is actually the battle one faces day by day. I am pleased to say, my life is full, rich and active again. I live by what I teach and feel delighted that my experience empowered me to help others.